Friday, September 11, 2009

Boot Camp, Day 6

Half way BA-BY! Woo hoo!!!

Today starts out like any other Boot Camp morning, way too early. I'm not feeling nearly as sore as I was this time last week, although still very sore. We do our 1 mile "warm up" and get ready to move into our workout. I casually ask if we can just have nutrition counseling today but since he doesn't answer, I'm guessing that's a big "NO."

Drill Sargeant has us do various forms of torture and then says "Jumping jacks, 1 minute." I loathe jumping jacks. I'm counting in my head as I'm doing them (and I do them slowly enough that each one is about one second). One, two, three...twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine...half way there...forty-three, forty-four, forty-five...

Drill Sargeant says, "You're doing great, you're half way there."


"You're lying! "That was way more than 30 seconds!" I shout. He tries to smile his way out of it and says, "No it wasn't." I say, "Yes it was. I was counting and that was at least 45 seconds."

He just laughs 'cause he knows he's been busted. My fellow cadets tell me to shut it or he's going to make us do more. I reply, "I'm not scared of you Jeff!"

Oops. Not a good thing to say to the Drill Sargeant. 

He makes us do 4 sets of push-ups (what is it with this guy and push-ups?). I am still sore from the 4 sets he made us do on Wednesday. Brutal.

Then squats with a side karate kick. I ask him if he'll come stand next to me so I can karate kick him. He doesn't.

More jumping jacks. This time, I don't count. I use one of my mantras from childbirth class. "It's only one minute, I can do anything for one minute." Over and over I say this. It is much better than counting. I will have to remember this one next week.

More torture. Then when I'm about to call it quits, he says, "Take one more lap and then we'll stretch it out." 

Oh thank goodness. Angela and I get back first along with skinny girl #1 (skinny girl #2 was not there today). The only reason she stayed with us is because on Wednesday, SG#1 and SG#2 got back so much faster than everyone else, that DS made them run another lap. 

Only 2 more weeks to go!

I have to admit, I will be very disappointed if I don't have a decent number at rehab (aka: Weight Watchers) tomorrow. Last week I only lost .4 and was diligent with my points and had 3 days of Boot Camp.

Michael says to not focus on the number. He uses a childbirth analogy because he knows that will get my attention. He says it's like dilation. The numbers don't mean anything. You have to look at the whole picture. So I will try to focus more on the "emotional signposts" and not the number. I must admit, my clothes are fitting better and I feel much better and I know that's important, but I really need to hear a good number tomorrow or I'm afraid I will have to get the epidural! :)

1 comment:

Ashley Benz said...

And the epidural = ...a Costco sized-box of Little Debbie snack cakes?