Monday, September 14, 2009

Boot Camp, Day 7

More than half way done with Boot Camp. Halleluia!

Today was good. I recovered from the soreness of last week much quicker, so I was feeling pretty good this morning.

We arrive early and beat the DS there. Only 4 cadets show up this morning. Everyone must have partied too hard over the weekend.

One mile warm up then straight into various forms of torture. I do much better today. I'm able to keep up and not wimp out half way through the set of whatever exercise we happen to be doing. I call upon my "one minute" mantra to get me through.

Time goes by much quicker this morning and before I know it, we are stretching out.

Angela is going to have to miss a few days of BC because she's going to Disney. She asks DS about making up the missed time during his next BC session. I make a comment about her not wanting to come twice in one day and DS says, "I do it." (He does a BC at 5:45 a.m. and again at 6:15 p.m. on M-W-F).

Dude, I could just stand there too twice a day and tell people what to do. I say this out loud. He says defensively, "I'm in the gym 12 hours a day."

Yes, but you're a teenager and in shape. We are middle-aged and not. There's a difference.

By the way, in case you were wondering, I will not be getting an epidural (see Boot Camp, Day 6). I lost 1.4 lbs at Weight Watchers on Saturday!

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