Monday, April 19, 2010

Thunder Fashion Blunders

I had front row seats to the Thunder Runway Fashion Show. It was the event of the season! I noticed several trends this year. I have separated them into 5 categories. Can you guess who goes where??? Some of them clearly fall into more than one category.

Here are the stars of the show...

The first category, I couldn't decide on a title, so I have several:

1. OMG, I can't believe your dad let you leave the house like that! / You must be going to work at Trixie's later. / Hey, this is a family show. I really don't need to see your whole ass cheek.

2. What the hell is on your head?

3. Pull up your pants, you look like an idiot!

4. WTF were you thinking when you left the house this morning/Crazy get-ups?

5. Twins.

Until next year!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coco's First Haircut

Coco had her first visit to the groomer today. It was looooong overdue.

I told the lady to make her "look cute." Here is what I found when I picked her up...
I love this picture because it actually looks like she is smiling. I know she is really thinking, "What the hell is on my head, lady? And why must you torture me so?" Get use to it, dog!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Little V is Three

I can't believe my baby is three years old already. My baby! Three! How did that happen?

Gramps' fabulous cake with 3-D edible Dora!

"Hmmm! Do you think anyone would notice if I took a big bite out of Dora's hand?"

Birthday girl.

Honk, honk! How do you like my new ride?


Happy Birthday, sweet baby girl.