Friday, July 18, 2008

Sprinkles & Cherries & (Gummy) Bears, Oh My!

Today the kids and I went shopping for all the goodies for our very first "Ice Cream Sundae." It was so exciting! The kids can't wait. We bought ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, cherries, sprinkles, chocolate chips, nuts and Gummy Bears. Sadie chose the Gummy Bears. Each week we will take turns choosing one special topping and this week is Sadie's turn, so Gummy Bears it is. Yuck. I wonder what I will choose when it's my week?

Other than the ice cream shopping, we had a pretty boring day. We went to ballet this morning and Sadie dressed in her tatterdemalion purple leotard that has holes and is too small for her. (I may have to rethink this whole 'word of the day' idea. I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to work that one in). Jonah was so sweet while we were there. He kept taking Violet on rides around the room on the sling. She loved it!

After ballet, we met my friend Stacie and her son Lucian for lunch at Chick-fil-A (or the Country Club as my friend Angela calls it). It was very tasty as always.

I really need to go walking, but I think I'll beat the heat and stay home. Maybe I will taste-test the sundaes. No, I better not do that, tomorrow is the big weigh in! Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all the word of the day stuff. You might get a chuckle out of:

Besides if you read all my word sites how will you ever be impressed with MY vocabulary? ;-)