Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kidney Woes

Wow. I didn't realize how long I had neglected my blog. I am still dealing with the UTI which turned into a kidney infection. The antibiotics I was first prescribed, apparently, are not effective for the particular bacteria that I have. So the doc called in a different one, even though I was starting to feel better. I've been taking the new one, but seem to be getting worse. My kidneys are still hurting and I'm dog tired. This has been going on now for 9 days. Sigh.

On a brighter note, we had dinner at the "Country Club" tonight (aka Chick-fil-A). We were discussing Halloween costumes. Jonah and Sadie were trying to come up with costume ideas for Michael and me. Jonah suggested Michael go as a "Blackberry." At first we didn't quite understand but once it sunk in we roared with laughter. It is the perfect costume. Michael might as well have his Blackberry surgically attached to his hand – he is forever on it. In fact, his cohorts at work have nicknamed him "Captain Blackberry." So, that's exactly what he is going to be. We were trying to come up with his super powers. Jonah said he should have "Super-Not-Listening-To-Anyone" powers. Sad but true! We are going to have lots of fun with this one. I will be sure to post pictures when the time comes. Jonah also said that I should go as "Super Baby Maker."

Moving on...Tonight, after we got home, Sadie asked me if I ever read "Goodnight Moon" when I was a "little kid." I said, "No." She replied, "Were books still alive then?" (Sadie-ese translation: were books even invented yet because you are so old?) It's funny, because up until a few days ago, she thought I was 29. She always asks me, "Mommy are you 29?" I, of course, reply, "Yes." But the other day, someone (Jonah) told her the truth. She keeps asking me over and over in disbelief, "Are you REALLY 35?" Again, sad but true!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry that you're still so sick. I hope maybe you're feeling better by the time I'm reading this, since I'm a few days behind...

Great costume ideas, by the way. Can't wait to see the pictures of YOUR costume!