Saturday, August 23, 2008


The first week of school was a very welcome event in our house – for everyone! The kids had a great time seeing their old friends and meeting some new ones. It was great to be back on the Waldorf campus. It feels like home.

Violet finally started crawling!!! It's about time. She went from rolling everywhere to Army crawling to twirling (sitting, putting her hands on the ground and then rolling over in the air back to sitting). Now she is crawling on all-fours about 90% of the time. Hopefully, she will be walking before we know it. She's getting too heavy for me to carry everywhere!

I'm getting ready to start a new class series tomorrow. Today will be filled with making copies, putting together my binders and getting the house ready. I have two former couples in this class which is always fun. One is my cousin and his wife. They were pregnant when I was pregnant with Violet. Their son is 3 weeks younger than Vi and they're having another one already! I think I would poke my eyes out with a fork, but this is how they wanted it and I am thrilled for them!!! I only have 5 couples in this class. It will be my smallest class in 4 1/2 years. I hope it's not a trend!

I also started my period for the first time since Violet was born. :-( Oh well, it was a good run. Twenty-five months without one, I guess I can't complain. I'm very bloated and pimply (by the way, when does THAT go away, I'm 35 years old for crying out loud?)! Not looking forward to weighing in today at Weight Watchers!

Today is also Ice Cream Sundae Saturday (Ice Cream Saturdae for short). Lots to do! See you next time.

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