Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sadie's World

It is fitting that this is Labor Day Weekend! Today, I am recovering from a birth hangover and waiting for another friend to have her baby. She's been in early labor since yesterday. Yesterday was my first time leaving Violet with someone other than Michael or my Mom. She stayed with Angela all day while I was at my client's birth and she did great! She wasn't even all that excited to see me when I arrived. I guess my little girl is growing up!

We had to cancel Ice Cream Saturdae today. One, because nobody else was going to be able to come and two, because I thought I would be called away to my friend's birth. So we went to Dairy Queen and had Blizzards instead! Yum! Also, I didn't have to clean up my house or go to the store.

While we were at DQ, Sadie told us that on Friday at school, she went on a balloon ride. She had a whole elaborate story filled with details about this excursion. I asked her what her teacher Ms. Molly would say if I asked her about this balloon ride next time I saw her. She thought for a minute, then said very seriously, "She'd say, 'The kids had a great time!'"

Her imagination has kicked into high gear lately. She's been going on trips to "her world" a lot lately. She travels there on a pink and purple Pegasus. It's called DisneyWorldLand Place (I think). When she travels to this place, she makes a fake Sadie so that no one misses her when she's gone. Oh to be 5 again! I asked her to take me with her next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A stab in the heart to be the reason Ice Cream Saturdae was canceled...