Thursday, September 25, 2008

I have friends!

I finally joined the world of facebook. I am so hip. And I actually have 16 friends already! I was kind of afraid that no one would be my friend. I'm so glad I was wrong. Now I'm addicted. Just one more thing to spend my time on!

Also, I'm thinking about growing a garden. I have a black thumb so I'm not sure how that's going to work out. Only time will tell.

Jonah is sitting here next to me reading this out loud as I type. I guess I better watch what I say. Jonah is the cutest boy in the whole wide world. I especially love his freckles. He is a turd sometimes but I still love him. Earlier Michael and I were talking about selling the kids and I told Jonah I wouldn't sell them for anything. He was surprised and said, "Even for two thousand kadrillion dollars?" And I said, "Not for all the money in the world!" That's love! But he did have a good point. He said that if I had all the money in the world, I could buy him back. So now I just have to wait for someone to offer me all the money in the world.

P.S. I just scooted Jonah off to bed. He said very excitedly, "Guess what Sadie? I have my own blog!" Sadie replied, "What's a blog?" To which Jonah said, "I don't really know."

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