Friday, September 5, 2008

Crazy Cat Lady

Every neighborhood has one, right? Well, mine has a Crazy Bird Lady. My Crazy Bird Lady (CBL) lives across the street and down a few houses. Every morning, there are a jillion (literally) birds in this woman's front yard. I don't know what she feeds them, but it is like crack for birds. Ducks, geese, little birds, big birds, you name it, every bird within a 10 mile radius all flock to this woman's yard. It is totally out of control.

The ducks are the craziest. Several times per day, a bevy (the word of the day is back) of about 50 ducks fly in a circle over and over again and they pass right over my house. You know what that means. Bird poop. All over my house. I just had to have my windows cleaned last week because of all the duck poop. I keep waiting for more poop to be flung on my windows every time I see those damn ducks fly over. As soon as they ruin my clean windows, I'm going to egg the CBL's house (not really). Or maybe I could start throwing Violet's poopy diapers at her windows. ;-)

If you know any way to get rid of birds (without killing them of course), I would love to know. For now I will have to settle for blaring my horn every morning when I pass by! This morning her lawn was covered with the usual assortment of birds and I maniacally yelled, "Jackpot!" like a raving lunatic when I saw them. Jonah said, "What are you talking about?" I literally laughed out loud at the absurdity of my behavior. I've now become a Crazy Bird (Hating) Lady.

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