Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My baby leaves the nest...

Violet started preschool. Sigh. It is definitely bittersweet.

She was so proud of her backpack and lunchbox! In fact, for two days after purchasing the backpack, she carried it everywhere. She even slept with it – snuggled it like a stuffed animal. As you will notice in the above photo, the backpack is almost as big as she is. The dress she wore on the first day of school is the same dress that Sadie wore on her first day of school.
The first day passed without incident. She happily walked into the classroom, deposited her belongings into her cubby, hugged and kissed me goodbye, then went on her merry way. Wow. That was a shocker. I was waiting for the tears but they never came. I thought, hmm, day 2 is usually worse because they know what's coming.

And oh boy, did the tears come today. But not for the reasons you think. She cried because we went home first after dropping off the other kiddos at their school. We have to pass Violet's school to go to and from Waldorf. So when we passed her school, she cried, "Me stool. Der it is. Me go der now." (Translation: There's my school, crazy woman. Take me there right now).

I calmly explained to her that school didn't start for an hour and we were going to go home for a little while. The tantrum continued all the way home and for about 10 minutes after because she wanted to GO to school. Who knew?When I dropped her off today, the teacher told me that Violet was very stubborn yesterday. I wanted to say, "Welcome to my world, teacher. She's your problem now." But I just nodded sympathetically and went on MY merry way!

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