Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mobber's Day

Mother's Day was great! I got to sleep in. I had coffee and donuts in bed. I received handmade cards from my babies and some new running shoes from my hubby, not to mention lots of hugs and kisses too! If Violet wished me "Happy Mobber's Day" once, she said it 100 times. I have even gotten a few today (two days later)! I am one lucky mama.

We celebrated with my Mom later in the day. My brother even came over and made us dinner!

I feel very blessed to have such a strong and wonderful mother who has been such a great role model for me and would do anything for our family; to have three such beautiful and healthy children who make my life crazy and complete; and a supportive and loving husband on this challenging but amazing journey with me! I am also grateful for all the mamas who have allowed me the privilege of witnessing them become moms for the first time (or second, or third, or seventh, or eighth)!

I had a Happy Mother's Day and I hope you did too!

Here are a few pictures taken at my parents' house:

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