Monday, September 21, 2009

OMG I'm Married to a 40 Year Old

How on earth did that happen? Where have the last 14 years gone? It's been a blur.

The surprise party was a success. I think he was sufficiently surprised. He was definitely surprised by the people who were there if nothing else.

When we arrived at my Mom and Dad's house for the "UofL/UK party," their garage door opened and there were his friends waiting to surprise him. I was so thrilled that Rose and Brian made it in from Knoxville. That was the biggest surprise of all to him. Also, John and Tara made it in from Lexington along with several of his work friends and some of my family.

We all had a great time. The weather was spectacular.

As always, my Mom and Dad did a phenomenal job with the cake and all the details. Many, many thanks to them and Carol, Becky and Joe who also helped tremendously. I couldn't have pulled it off without you guys.

Michael said he felt really special. Thank you for always treating him and loving him like one of your own! We are both so lucky to have such a wonderful family!

Here are some pictures of little V from the party...

1 comment:

Angela and Jason said...

Awesome!! I wish I could have been there! The pictures are great! Angela