Friday, September 25, 2009

Boot Camp, Day 13

Praise Jesus, Mary Joseph, all the Saints, Allah, Zeus, Buddha, and all the other deities, BOOT CAMP IS OVER!!! And I didn't die. Bonus.

Today was the final assessment and since I missed the first one, there wasn't a lot for me to compare my results to. After Drill Sargent weighed everyone and measured and assessed their body fat, it was my turn. I was like, no really, I wasn't here for the first assessment, what's the point? He said, "How about we at least do your body fat?" I sarcastically replied, "I would LOVE to." Let's just say, I need to do about 10 more Boot Camps!

Even though I don't necessarily have concrete results to compare, I can definitely feel a difference in my energy level. I also have toned up quite a bit and have definitely lost some inches. Tomorrow is WW so I will know how much, if any, weight I lost during Boot Camp.

It was definitely a worthwhile experience and I highly recommend it to any lady out there who would like to kick start her fitness routine. Check it out!

I think I will probably go back in January after the holiday eating frenzy!

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