So the summer was fairly uneventful. We had the living room and kitchen painted. It only took 1o years! (See my last post from May).
I spent the majority of it working on my new BELIEVE IN BIRTH workbook. It turned out better than expected! It is 270 pages of birthy goodness! I am very proud of it and hope that my students enjoy it! My new class started last week. It went very well. I have 9 fabulous couples. I can't tell you how excited I am to be doing my OWN thang, y'all!!! It is amazingly liberating! Maybe one day, the BIB method will be a household name! If you haven't heard about my new venture, visit my web site!

I was disappointed that we weren't able to take a vacation this summer. Perhaps we can save up and do something really fab next summer. It was so dang hot this summer that we spent the majority of our time indoors. The kids were excited to get back to school. They were starting to get a little bored. We played a LOT of Harry Potter Clue. There's only so many times of finding out it was Draco Malfoy with a Mandrake in the Great Hall that one can take.
Jonah started 5th grade this year! I can't believe it. It seems crazy to me that he will be 11 years old next month. The time has gone too fast. Sadie started 2nd grade. I'm so excited that she will learn to read this year. She is dying to learn. Jonah tried to teach her over the summer. It was very sweet but not very productive. He has NO patience and Sadie is easily frustrated. It was a good effort though!

So you might be wondering what I am going to do with myself once all three are in school. I imagine I will be doing a lot of bon bon eating and shopping. Maybe catch up on all the Soaps I've been missing. Read some romance novels. Things like that.
Seriously, I am going to prepare for the Lamaze exam in October so I can keep a certification as a childbirth educator. I am also planning to take a course to become a Certified Lactation Counselor in March. I would like to do home lactation visits during the mornings. I also have several doula clients in the coming months and will continue teaching my classes. And really when you factor in drive time, I am only going to have 2 hours to myself in the mornings Monday through Thursday. Hopefully I can manage to be productive in that amount of time!
Let's see, what else happened. Oh, Coco turned one! She's still alive. Shocking, I know. There were times I wasn't sure she'd make. She's a little less than 5 lbs. full grown. She is bat shit crazy but completely adorable and we love her.
So I will end this post with more adorable pictures of my Little V. I call it, "Violet makes out with a pudding cup!"

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