The kids are on winter break. We desperately need to get out of the house! Maybe we will go to the bookstore later.
Violet is teething and constipated – makes for a fun combination. She got her first tooth and first haircut last week (see the before and after photos above). She's growing so fast!
Sadie has 2 "wobbly" teeth, as she calls them. It's going to be so strange when she loses a tooth. I still think of her as my baby. I hated it when Jonah started getting his big person teeth, but he has grown into them nicely. It doesn't hurt that he has a huge head. All of our kids have "parade float" heads according to my husband. So hopefully, that means Sadie will grow into hers nicely as well.
I had a lovely birthday! I can't believe I am 35. Holy cow. I am now considered AMA (advanced maternal age) as my friend Angela likes to point out. Michael took the day off work. We had family portraits made in the morning. They were the first professional pictures we've had taken since Violet was born. I can't wait to see them. The morning started out a little rough. Jonah and I got into an argument over his hair. His hair! He's an 8 year old boy, not a teenage girl for crying out loud. Anyway, I told him to leave and that I didn't want him in the pictures. So he did. Luckily, he only ran away to the backyard. He finally agreed to let me fix his hair so that he didn't look like a Jonas Brother (oh and by the way, he wants to change his name to Jonas).
Then, I got to go shopping while my darling husband stayed home with the kids. Two blissful hours alone at The Summit! Wow. I forgot how nice it is to go shopping alone. I can't remember the last time I got to do that.
Michael and I had reservations that night at Corbett's. It was very fancy schmancy. Our bill with tip was $180 (for 2 of us)! It was totally worth it though. The food was delicious and the service was outstanding. It was nice to see how the other half lives. The kids stayed at my parents' house. Violet even managed to behave and not scream her head off the whole time. It was the first date Michael and I have had since our anniversary in November. I almost forgot what adult conversation was like. It was a very enjoyable day! We'll have to do that more often (at a cheaper place of course).
Violet is napping again. Sadie and Jonah are playing "I spy" and getting along very well for the moment. Let's hope that lasts until Wednesday when they go back to school. I won't hold my breath!
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