Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Time to Getcha Merry On!

Merry Holidays to one and all! Here is the Christmas Card (if I actually sent them). It only took 75 takes to get one good picture of all three children and of course, it was the VERY LAST one I took! And I don't even love it but it's the best of the lot. Enjoy!

And as promised on Facebook, here are the rejects. (You can clearly see who the trouble-maker is in all of these)...

That's not all but you get the idea! I'll spare you the other 50 or so rejects.

Here are a few more nuggets of goodness for your enjoyment. Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!

Sadie's Eight, Let's Rollerskate!

My little Bug-A-Lug turned 8 last week! Like I say whenever one of my kiddos has a birthday, "Where did the time go?"

On the day of her actual birthday (December 14), we took her to get her ears pierced and then to dinner at Red Robin.

A few days later, we had her birthday party at Champs Rollerdrome! Everyone had a great time. And thanks to Nana and Gramps, the cake was awesome, as usual!!!