Halloween is over. Now it's just a hop, skip and a jump to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Where DOES the time go?
Here are the treats I made the rest of the week...
Orange pumpkins. Lame, I know. I should have started the week out with these. The kids didn't say, but I think they were a little disappointed in my lack of creativity with this one. For dinner that night, we had monster fingers (a.k.a. carrots with almond fingernails, dipped in ranch) and bagel eyeballs.

Then came, white chocolate covered pretzel sticks made into ghosts with a few strategically placed chocolate chips. I didn't take a picture of this one. Even though it was super easy and not very creative, it was a big hit.
On Friday, I went to Jonah's 4th grade classroom and made the witches (cleverly known as The Pear Witch Project). Wish I could claim that one but I got it from the same web site mentioned below. The kids had a great and messy time making them and an even better time eating them. I thought the finished product was pretty darn cute!

Last, but not least, were the witch fingers. I made those yesterday. This was my favorite project. They turned out so real looking, and quite tasty too.

Yesterday, on Halloween, we carved our pumpkin. This year, we started a new tradition. We each picked a part of the pumpkin to draw and then Michael and I carved it. Jonah had the left eye. I had the right eye. Sadie took the nose and Michael did the mouth. I think it turned out pretty good. I think it will be interesting to see how it turns out each year as the kids get older and more skilled. I can't wait for Little V to be old enough to get in on the action.
Next came Trick or Treat time! Coco even dressed up. She was a little witch. I carried her in my sweater. This was the first year that Violet actually Trick or Treated. She didn't actually say, "Trick or treat." What she did say was, "More!" One lady gave her more and Michael scolded her. So she stuck her hand down into her basket, pulled out a piece of candy and handed it back. :)

The kids came back with quite the loot. They were very excited. They each got to pick 15 pieces of candy from their bags which they get to keep. The rest goes into the community pot (part of which was recycled last night because we ran out of candy. The rest will hopefully get mostly eaten today when I have my class). Then they can have one piece each day until it is gone. This is the only way I can stay sane. Otherwise, it would be, "Can I have a piece of candy?" all day long, every day starting at 6 in the morning. My dad thinks this is cruel. I think it is genius!
Hope you had a Spooktacular Halloween! We did. (Except for the fact that some hoodlum stole one of my flameless candles that I had lighting the walkway).