I woke up on the morning of April 9, 2007 (my official due date) and had a feeling as if that was going to be my last day as the mother of two. Jonah and Sadie were on Spring Break from school. I decided to try to make that day special. We went to lunch at Panera and then to the book store (that was all I had the energy to do). Each of them picked out a book for the baby. The three of us had a lovely day together.
Later that night, I did some things around the house to prepare for the birth. I even brought the birth ball upstairs. I didn't tell anyone about my premonition, just in case I was wrong.
I fell asleep early hoping that the baby would arrive during the night. I told the baby that I was ready for him or her to come.
During the night, I was inundated with dreams that I was having contractions. A few times I actually woke up and really WAS having a contraction. Each time, I would drift back to sleep. Finally, around 3:30 a.m., I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I was having contractions about 10 minutes apart and getting stronger. I stayed in bed for an hour or so wondering if it was really time. I didn't feel the need to wake up Michael yet.
I decided to get up and walk around to see if the contractions would get stronger or fade away. I walked into the living room and knelt beside the ottoman by the front window during a contraction. I looked out onto the front porch...
Next to the porch, on June 1, 2005, we had planted a hydrangea bush to remember the due date of the baby we had lost to miscarriage the previous fall. At the time of the miscarriage, I had a strong feeling that the baby was a girl. We decided to name her Grace. I had also read something that said when you lose a baby, it then becomes your "spirit baby" and will someday come back to you if you ever get pregnant again. That was very comforting to me.
I really wanted this baby to be born on a Tuesday, because as the old Mother Goose rhyme goes, "Tuesday's child is full of Grace." I thought it would be appropriate for our spirit baby to come back to us on a Tuesday. Since it was after midnight, it was now Tuesday, April 10, 2007! This thought made me very happy!
I stayed in the living room awhile. My contractions began to space out and eventually stopped altogether. Finally, around 5 a.m., I decided to go back to bed thinking, "Maybe today is not the day after all." I was OK with that. I fell into a sound sleep and didn't wake up again until 7:30 a.m.
I woke with a start. I felt a popping sensation. I laid there for a moment wondering if my water broke. Nothing. I got up and immediately had a very intense contraction with a lot of pressure. I believe the popping sensation I felt was the baby dropping into my pelvis (which is the same way my labor with Sadie began).
I went into the bathroom where Michael was taking a shower and getting ready for work. He had no idea of the events that transpired during the night. I told him, "I don't think you're going to work today!" He replied, "Oh really, do you think you're in labor?" I said, "YES!" and he said he would be out of the shower soon.
I quickly brushed my teeth and put my hair up to get it out of the way for the work ahead. As soon as I was finished, I had another really strong contraction. They were less than 5 minutes apart. This one brought me to my knees. Luckily, my trusty birth ball was right there!
Michael was STILL in the shower. ;-) I yelled, "HURRY!!!" He jumped out of the shower immediately. I think he still had shampoo in his hair! I was on the phone trying to call my doulas and my parents.
I called Angela first because she was the closest. She didn't answer. I tried my Mom and Dad next. My Dad answered. My Mom was already at work. I was very emotional when my Dad answered because I realized that the baby really was coming. I think I scared my poor Dad, but he said he would come right over.
I called my midwife to tell her that today was the day and that we would call when things got closer. I had another strong contraction. Michael finished the calls for me. He even called the midwife back fairly quickly and asked her to go ahead and come.
My Dad arrived first. My Mom was not far behind. I think she brought breakfast for everyone. I'm not sure when everyone else arrived because I began to drift into labor land! But eventually my doulas Robin and Angela arrived, along with our midwife Juliet.
I spent a lot of time alone in the bathroom. When I wasn't on the toilet, I was sitting on the birth ball leaning on the bed. Michael rubbed my back.
very excited. They held my hand, rubbed my back and told me I was doing a good job.
Finally, after a few hours, I began to shake. I knew the baby was going to be born soon. Everyone, including Michael, Robin, my mom and Angela took such great care of me. They knew exactly what I needed without me having to tell them.
I decided to go to the bathroom again. This would be my last time. I knew I was in transition when I took my underwear off. :-) When I went back to the bed, things really got intense. I started feeling a lot of pressure at the peaks of my contractions. I had a little internal conversation with the baby. I told it that I was ready and I needed him or her to come out now!
During the next contraction, I let out a big grunt! It was time! Robin jumped up and went to the living room to get the midwife and the rest of the family. Everyone came in. Another push and the baby was crowning. Juliet told Michael to get ready to catch the baby. I reached down to feel my baby's head as it was emerging from my body.
Another push and the baby's head popped out. I opened my eyes in time to see Michael catch our baby. Together, we lifted her to my chest. It was 12:12 p.m. I was so relieved!
A few moments later, Sadie announced in her sweet little voice, "It's a girl." (This is one of my most favorite memories from Violet's birth). I was thrilled and started crying.
My dad immediately asked, "What's her name?" We had settled on three girl names and zero boy names and decided we would wait and see what the baby looked like before making a decision.
Because the baby came out so fast, she had fluid in her lungs and stayed purple for a bit. I massaged her to try to get her to cry and expel the fluid. The midwife decided to suction her to help her "pink up." Eventually, the midwife gave the baby a little oxygen. The whole time, the baby never left my chest and was still attached to the cord. She was kicking and pushing at the oxygen mask. I was never worried but I could tell my Dad and Michael were. Juliet tried to reassure them that everything was OK and before long, the baby was nice and pink! Once the placenta was delivered, Jonah cut the cord.
Everyone kept pestering us about the baby's name. None of the three names we had chosen seemed to fit. Finally, Jonah asked, "Can't we name her Violet?" He had been suggesting that name for weeks but we didn't really care for it compared to the other names we had picked. When he suggested it this time, Michael and I looked at each other and were like, "Hmm. Maybe that's her name." We figured that she came out purple, so it was an appropriate name for her! It definitely suits her.
My Dad and the children had baked a birthday cake while I was laboring. A few hours after the birth, we had a party!
It was such an amazing day. I can't explain how wonderful it was to bring my sweet baby into the world in my own bed, surrounded by all the people I love. It was the most joyful day of my life!
Violet Cook Aldridge
April 10, 2007
12:12 p.m.
8 lbs. 2 oz.
20 inches
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